Sunday, January 8, 2017

Activism and Aid Young Citizens' Experience of Development and Democracy in Timor-Leste


Activism and Aid  Young Citizens' Experience of Development and Democracy in Timor-Leste

Title : Activism and Aid  Young Citizens' Experience of Development and Democracy in Timor-Leste
Series: Monash Asia Series
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Monash University Publishing (March 21, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0980510872
ISBN-13: 978-0980510874

Description : 
Timor-Leste's independence was forged at a time when international developmental theory had rejected top down approaches and recognized the importance of participatory approaches in developmental strategies. In 1999, with the arrival of the United Nations and a multitude of bilateral, multilateral, and non-governmental organizations in Timor-Leste, it was hoped that the international intervention would at last produce a development success story. Independence also brought the realization that dreams for an independent Timor-Leste varied, often according to their generation. Three generations of Timorese - the political elite, a younger generation of independence activists (gerasaun foun), and today's youth of independent Timor-Leste - each bring their own experiences and face different challenges in Timor-Leste. Today, stark contrasts between the values of customary life and those of the modernizing world place both community leaders and young Timorese at a crossroads. The experiences of the Timorese are unique, and this book reflects a broader analysis about how an aid-influenced process of development can work in greater harmony with the people to realize their own visions of the future of the nation. *** "An immensely readable and insightful glimpse into the experiences, concerns and aspirations of Timor-Leste's youth, charting their course from student activists to nation builders, from the fight for national liberation to the battle for participation in governance structures and aid and development programs. I strongly recommend this book to anyone wanting a snapshot of the principal challenges facing Timor-Leste today in its quest to build a strong, stable and equitable nation...for all citizens, young and old." -- Kirsty Sword Gusmão, Chair, Alola Foundation & Goodwill Ambassador for Education of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste *** "Exceptionally well written, organized and presented...impressively informative, thoughtful, and thought provoking. Enhanced with the inclusion of a list of acronyms, a glossary, maps of Timor-Leste, and a list of references, 'Activism and Aid' is very highly recommended..." -- Midwest Book Review, MBR Bookwatch: June 2016, Helen's Bookshelf *** Librarians: ebook available on ProQuest and EBSCO (Series: Monash Asia) [Subject: Asian Studies, Development Studies, History, Politics]

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