Wednesday, January 11, 2017

An Introduction to Acoustics

Title : An Introduction to Acoustics
Series: Dover Books on Physics
Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Dover Publications (April 26, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0486442519
ISBN-13: 978-0486442518

Description : 
No branch of classical physics is older in its origins yet more modern in its applications than acoustics. Courses on acoustics very naturally begin with a study of vibrations, as a preliminary to the introduction of the wave equations. Both vibrations and waves, of course, are vastly important to all branches of physics and engineering. But it is very helpful to students to gain an understanding of mechanical waves before trying to comprehend the more subtle and abstract electromagnetic ones.
This undergraduate-level text opens with an overview of fundamental particle vibration theory, and it proceeds to examinations of waves in air and in three dimensions, interference patterns and diffraction, and acoustic impedance, as illustrated in the behavior of horns. Subsequent topics include longitudinal waves in different gases and waves in liquids and solids; stationary waves and vibrating sources, as demonstrated by musical instruments; reflection and absorption of sound waves; speech and hearing; sound measurements and experimental acoustics; reproduction of sound; and miscellaneous applied acoustics. Supplementary sections include four appendixes and answers to problems. Introduction. Appendixes. List of Symbols. References. Index. Answers to Problems.

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