Tuesday, January 10, 2017

APA College Dictionary of Psychology Second Edition

Title : APA College Dictionary of Psychology Second Edition
Paperback: 518 pages
Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA); Second Edition edition (April 18, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1433821583
ISBN-13: 978-1433821585

Description : 
The American Psychological Association is excited to offer the second edition of its popular, compact, and economical student's dictionary. With some 5,500 entries—over 500 more than the original edition—the second edition continues to feature clear and authoritative definitions that provide basic coverage from across 90 subdisciplines of psychology.

Special emphasis is concentrated on the fields that are typically encountered in undergraduate studies, such as general, personality and social, lifespan developmental, abnormal, and cognitive psychology. Moreover, basic coverage of neuropsychology and of statistics and methodology have been enhanced for the second edition, and two helpful appendixes have been included: Abbreviations and Acronyms and Symbols.

The APA College Dictionary of Psychology, Second Edition is a reliable resource that answers the needs of both advanced placement high-school students and college undergraduates—whether they are taking psychology as part of a broader curriculum or making it their major field of study.

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