Series: New Directions in Tourism Analysis
Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: Routledge; New edition edition (April 8, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1472424301
ISBN-13: 978-1472424303
Description :
Exploring the conceptual insights provided by the archipelagic 'twist'
in the context of tourism principles, policies and practices, this
volume draws on an international series of case studies to analyse best
practice in branding, marketing and logistics in archipelago tourist
destinations. The book asks and seeks to answer such questions as: How
to 'sell' a multi-island destination, without risking a message that
may be too complex and diffuse for audiences to grab on to? Does one
encourage visitors to do 'island hopping'; and, if so, how and with what
logistic facilities? How does one ascribe specific island destinations
within an overall archipelago brand? Would smaller islands rebel against
a composite branding strategy that actually benefits other islands? How
does one read or craft transport policies as a function of the
'reterritorialisation' of a multi-island space? This book pioneers the
exploration of the archipelago as tourism study focus (and not just
locus); a heuristic device for rendering islands as sites of different
tourism practices, industries and policies, but also of challenges and
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