Hardcover: 550 pages
Publisher: Routledge (28 Feb. 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1409401383
ISBN-13: 978-1409401384
Description :
As a religious and social phenomenon Methodism engages with a number of
disciplines including history, sociology, gender studies and theology.
Methodist energy and vitality have intrigued, and continue to fascinate
scholars. This Companion brings together a team of respected
international scholars writing on key themes in World Methodism to
produce an authoritative and state-of-the-art review of current
scholarship, mapping the territory for future research. Leading
scholars examine a range of themes including: the origins and genesis of
Methodism; the role and significance of John Wesley; Methodism’s
emergence within the international and transatlantic evangelical revival
of the Eighteenth-Century; the evolution and growth of Methodism as a
separate denomination in Britain; its expansion and influence in the
early years of the United States of America; Methodists’ roles in a
range of philanthropic and social movements including the abolition of
slavery, education and temperance; the character of Methodism as both
conservative and radical; its growth in other cultures and societies;
the role of women as leaders in Methodism, both acknowledged and
resisted; the worldwide spread of Methodism and its enculturation in
America, Asia and Africa; the development of distinctive Methodist
theologies in the last three centuries; its role as a progenitor of the
Holiness and Pentecostal movements, and the engagement of Methodists
with other denominations and faiths across the world. This major
companion presents an invaluable resource for scholars worldwide;
particularly those in the UK, North America, Asia and Latin America.
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