Series: Discover Indonesia Series
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Periplus Editions (Hk) (January 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9625931945
ISBN-13: 978-9625931944
Description :
Traditional Balinese don't live in houses in the conventional sense of the word. Instead, they divide their daily activities between a number a different pavilions which are situated within a family compound that is secluded from the outside world b a high wall Although these living arrangements may seem at first to be a fairly haphazard affair, they are actually grounded in a complex metaphysical system which provides a cosmological framework for maintaining harmonious relations between man and the rest of the universe.
This Balinese guide takes a detailed look at this fascinating architectural tradition with watercolor illustrations, designs and extensive commentary.
This Balinese guide takes a detailed look at this fascinating architectural tradition with watercolor illustrations, designs and extensive commentary.
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