Title : ÆTHELRED THE UNREADYHardcover: 400 pages
Publisher: Yale University Press (2 Sept. 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0300196296
ISBN-13: 978-0300196290
Description :
An imaginative reassessment of Aethelred 'the Unready', one of medieval
England's most maligned kings and a major Anglo-Saxon figure The
Anglo-Saxon king Aethelred 'the Unready' (978-1016) has long been
considered to be inscrutable, irrational, and poorly advised. Infamous
for his domestic and international failures, Aethelred was unable to
fend off successive Viking raids, leading to the notorious St. Brice's
Day Massacre in 1002, during which Danes in England were slaughtered on
his orders. Though Aethelred's posthumous standing is dominated by his
unsuccessful military leadership, his seemingly blind trust in disloyal
associates, and his harsh treatment of political opponents, Roach
suggests that Aethelred has been wrongly maligned. Drawing on extensive
research, Roach argues that Aethelred was driven by pious concerns about
sin, society, and the anticipated apocalypse. His strategies, in this
light, were to honor God and find redemption. Chronologically charting
Aethelred's life, Roach presents a more accessible character than
previously available, illuminating his place in England and Europe at
the turn of the first millennium.
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